Think about it!
Your social media profile as an executive could impact up to 59% of your Company's reputation.
It may sound weird, but we have some facts to prove it:
Company’s reputation vs. market value & CEO social media presence
When Weber Shandwick surveyed 2227 executives worldwide, they learned a few things:
33% of these executives stated that 76% of the market value of their company is attributed to their company’s reputation.
59% of them believed that CEOs’ visibility on social media is very important. This, in their opinion, would actually help the company to be highly regarded.
Execs were asked to rate how much the company’s leader presence (on the company website and social media) contributes to the company's reputation.
51% of the executives rated 8-10 (on a 1-10 scale).
2022 CEOs media activity barometer
Top CEOs LinkedIn and Twitter users
Pros & Cons of social media activity for CEOs
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