We are in some of the most challenging times at the moment; I compiled this info below as I thought it might be of interest.
What would sanctions against the Russian Central Bank accomplish?
Here is the full picture:
Russia's foreign currency reserves are USD 630 Bln (in equivalent). This is an all-time high vs the 1992 all-time low of 4 Bln). Rusia's gold reserves are USD 130 Bln.
The main scope of the foreign currency reserve is to defend the national currency against sudden foreign exchange moves.
During the last couple of days, the ruble devalued +36%. In a normal environment, Russia's central bank would sell foreign currency vs. their currency to prop up the ruble.
But if their foreign currency reserves are frozen by foreign banks, they may have a hard time using them.
No support to ruble => massive inflation => discontent among the people in Russia
Who holds Russia’s central bank reserves?
Russia has 22% in GOLD, China 14%, France 12%, Japan and Germany 10% each, US 7%, Intl. Institutions & UK 5% each.
summing up: 49% of these reserves are with countries that already decided to sanction Russia
What about China?
Russia's reserves in China are in Renminbi. They could buy goods from China; is not helping the ruble.
Can GOLD help?
Only if they find someone rich enough to buy it with foreign currency: ….think China
But…imagine the logistics and security nightmare of a train with 2290 metric tonnes of gold traveling from Moscow to Beijing.
Kind thanks to The Atlantic and Statista for the info included in this short explanation. Hope this paints a clearer picture.