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Writer's pictureAurel Ghidoveanu

The process drives the quality of our work

Updated: Apr 10, 2023

or... what’s the process behind C Level Finance?

Performance profile

… we start with the end in mind: What does success in the new job mean?

We always strive to go beyond the Job Description.

In fact, the Job Description is a "tool" used in the recruitment process for a very long time.

Most of the time it is a document that presents a long string of activities without specifying the priorities and importance of those activities/tasks.

For this we have a preliminary discussion with the direct manager.

This way we identify which are the top projects that the successful employee must deliver by the end of the first year (and beyond).

It's a strategic effort that consumes 1-2 hours of the manager's time but will yield exceptional dividends over the course of our recruitment project.

So now the Manager identified the relevant criteria that will prove his/her new hiring was a success.

On the other hand, the Candidate will have 100% visibility into what needs to be delivered in the job to be able to make an informed choice related to his/her career.

When we focus on the Job Description, we presume on how the candidate fits the formal hiring criteria.

When we focus on key accomplishments, we define what success means in the role.

The key question becomes:

Does the Candidate have the relevant experience/background to deliver to the employer's expectations?

As such, our conversations (with the Candidate) will be related to the experience of implementing similar processes/projects.

Success in the new job is no longer an esoteric concept based on assumptions but is the result of a chain of events that prepared our Candidate for this new work experience.

The successful candidate will be that Candidate who has gone through similar projects and completed them successfully.

The next step raises a new important question.

Will the new colleague perform independently of the company's culture and managers' expectations?

And so we need to look into:

Behavioral assessments

…about the ideal profile, the real profile and the situational profile

What if we had at our disposal a platform that would help us clearly identify:

i) The vision of managers interested in hiring the new colleague. That is the ideal profile.

ii) the real profile, the "DNA" of the Candidate, the basic traits of their personalities

iii) the situational profile of the Candidate; the extent to which a person "stretches" or "holds back" to perform in their current job

Once these three profiles are defined, we can determine the extent to which the Candidates (proposed on the short list) have a behavioral profile that matches the ideal profile.

The client will only interview people who have:

- relevant professional experiences and

- behavioral profiles that match expectations.

This way, we significantly reduce hiring errors but also the hours spent during the interviewing process by the hiring managers and executives.

Experience has shown us that behavioral assessments go a long way in identifying candidates who are naturally suited to excel in a particular job.

We manage the offering process

We have already built common ground with the Candidate since our first contact with him.

We address the likelihood of a counteroffer from the outset and identify in depth the question marks the candidate may have regarding the job.

We mediate between the Client and the Candidate, so that we do not submit the job offer before we are 100% sure that it will be accepted.

Notice period:

or the so-called "Death Valley"...

It is the most delicate period of the whole process; it is actually the key to accomplish success in the recruiting.

Even the most committed candidates can experience negative feelings after the offer has been accepted.

Stress, remorse, doubts related to submitting the resignation, competing hiring offers from other competitors, the Employer's counteroffer, the families that may oppose the idea of changing jobs... all these are normal.

But they must be managed properly. So we take care of them all.

We undertake this process from Day 1 (when the Candidate signs the hiring offer) to make sure there are no surprises.

If necessary, we will liaise for direct contact between the candidate and the direct manager.

There is no better time to lay the foundation for future successful relationships between you two.

The Probation (Trial period)

or ..."90 days for success" program

You know what they say: "The President of the United States has 100 days to prove himself. You (the Candidate hired) only have 90."*

An error in this phase is a major failure.

Think of all the resources invested to find, identify, recruit, hire and train a new colleague.

The reasoning for such a decision is perfectly legitimate: after 90 days the employer concludes that the new colleague will not perform as expected.

Most of the time the relationship suffers from the stress that inevitably burdens this period.

Issues are not raised in due time, people are too busy to organize feedback sessions, the new hire thinks they perform while they’re actually not…

This is why we take on the role of an active party in this process.

We interweave coaching strategies and feedback sessions with both the direct manager and the new colleague.

The goal is common for all parties involved: the successful completion of the trial period!

But some Clients might ask:

- Isn't it a conflict of interest to trust the external recruiter?

- Will the trial period work out in the Client's interest?

The correct answer is NO and YES... we have every interest in solving things in your interest.

Because of our unprecedented…

Recruitment guarantee valid for up to 12 months.

But that's another topic for… another time/blog post.


*Quote from "The First 90 Days. Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter" by MICHAEL D. WATKINS


The quality of the team is the top concern of every true leader!

C Level Finance is about Finance Recruitment & Accounting Recruitment.

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